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We provide you with sterile reusable instruments shipped to your clinic ready to use.
Once you are ready we will arrange pick up* of the used instruments and deliver sterile instruments back to you ready to use.
Clean and DIrty Instruments.jpg
Meets AS/NZS 4815:2006- 
Office-based health care facilities— Reprocessing of reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of the associated environment
TGA approved re-useable instruments- Class 1
ARTG No:445771

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners: Infection prevention and control standards for general practices and other office-based and community-based practices. 5th edition

Section 10- Reprocessing re-useable medical devices

Provide your clinic with compliant tracking information & resources to ensure compliance for your clinic on tracking and privacy

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in healthcare 2019 


Ensuring compliance for new standard AS 5369 Reprocessing of reusable medical devices and other devices in health and non-health related facilities when this comes in to place

Benefits to your clinic:
No need to pay wages to staff to sterilise instruments in house
No upfront costs of instruments and autoclave
Instruments delivered sterile to your clinic
Less clinical waste- no need to dispose of instruments
Greener than single use instruments.
Ensure Compliance for auditing.

There has been a lot of research regarding making medical industry more sustanaible

'adopting reusable medical devices in healthcare is ecologically more sustainable than continuing with conventional single-use devices' Mattis Keil and others, The impact of switching from single-use to reusable healthcare products: a transparency checklist and systematic review of life-cycle assessments, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 56–63


'a recent systematic review found reusable medical products associated with less environmental harm than single-use equivalents in just about every reported instance' Drew J, Christie SD, Tyedmers P et al. Operating in a Climate Crisis: A State-of-the-Science Review of Life Cycle Assessment within Surgical and Anesthetic Care. Environ Health Perspect 2021; 129: 7600​


* Courier Pick up is only available to locations where StarTrack courier pickup is available. Not all areas are served with courier pick up- where this is not available the package will need to be dropped off at an Australia Post Outlet.


Can't see what you are after? Let us know what  instruments you require so we can have it in stock

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