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Sterilising Service Terms of Use

Sterilising Service Terms of Use


This service is undertaken based on risk assessment by the consumer (yourself) and by the service provider (PodMed Supplies)


Information on our policies and proceedures can be obtained to help you undertake your risk assessment.


Items that are owned by PodMed Supplies and is provided to you for use but remains the property of PodMed Supplies.


There is a $25 monthly service fee for this service- this needs to be added to the order or will be invoiced upon shipping.


Items are sent via AusPost, this allows for the greatest scope of delivery. Pick up where available is via StarTrack- or alternate courier. Note: not all locations where items are delivered are able to be picked up via StarTrack/AusPost, if this is the case we will contact you upon order and provide instructions to return to an AusPost outlet for return.


Areas of the courier pickup service is outside of our control, but utilising this service is the most wide reaching, cost effective and environmentally friendly way to provide the service.


Return shipping labels will be provided to be attached to the shipping box for return.


Instruments provided to you in compliant sterile packaging- 1 year sterile shelf life.

Each item is individually wrapped and sterilised even when buying 5 and 10 packs. Each pack will come with tracking and sterilising information attached.


Documentation will be provided with information regarding tracking, cycle number, sterilisation date and confirmation of sterility will be emailed/ sent.

We will send evidence of validation- this will include the emulator and printex label. You can view the indicator changes on the packet.


Instruments will be provided in a clean container, a container for used instruments will also be provided and collected upon use.

A separate container will be issued for the collection of used instruments- this has a warning on the top stating BIOHAZARD- Used Medical Instruments. All used instruments are to be placed in this tub for collection- ask for more information regarding this process.


Visibly soiled need to be wiped or washed down before placing into the 'Used' container-as per standard,


Disposable sharps need to be removed before item is placed into the 'Used' box.


We hold no responsibility for any injury whilst using our instruments.


Instruments are used with full responsibility of the user.


Damage outside general wear and tear will be billed at 80% of full retail purchase price and retained by the user.




The customer will ensure once received the instruments and packs are still viable for use.

If there are any issues with the packs or instruments please do contact us as soon as possible.


All information received (tracking information)must be utilised correctly as per the standard.

Items are to be stored by customer according to standards

Following use all single use attachments- blades etc are to be removed at point of use.


After use instruments are to be cleaned of any visible debris.

Instruments will need to be placed in the used container and sealed.

Once all sets are used, used contained will have return contents form filled out with the contents on it.

The container should be sealed with tape at each end to ensure safety of instruments.

Please refer to process of return and ensure this is carried out correctly.

If using your own instruments but utilising our service- you acknowledge that all instruments used must be ARTG registered.

We have the right to refuse instruments if we believe that the process is compromised by the quality of the instrument. This will be returned to yourself.


PodMed Supples:

We offer the following protocol for sterilisation:

1- Pretreatment in ultrasonic cleaner- using reverse osmosis water and approved agent.


2-  Manual washing in accordance with standard-using reverse osmosis water and approved agent 


3-  Drying and packing into pouches in accordance with standard


4-  Sterilising of instruments in pouches in accordance to standard


5-  Storage according to standard


6-  Shipping in accordance to risk assessment and standard


7-  All containers that are to be used are provided by PodMed Supplies -this ensures

compliance as there are guidelines of what is to be used


8-  Documentation for compliance required by the customer will be provided by PodMed



9-  All maintenance is covered by PodMed Supplies for instruments owned by PodMed supplies. Instruments owned by customer is customers responsibility.


10-We do not take liability for damage to your own instruments- this is at your own risk


11-Our service is carried out based on the risk assessment and undertaken by customers and PodMed Supplies with adherence to our processes set out above in compliance with the standard.


12- By singing this contract you agree that you have taken all the information into account and have undertaken a risk assessment for your business utilising our service based on the information provided. If more information regarding our service is required please do enquire prior to singing.


Feel free to email us if you have any further information


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